Last updated 30 April 2024

What you need to know

  • Your son or ward becomes a full-time National Serviceman (NSF) from enlistment day.
  • Supporting your son or ward on his enlistment day will help him transition into National Service (NS), easing any concerns he might have about being away from family for a while.
  • Read the invitation sent to you for details on dress code, programme, and items to bring.

What to expect

  • You will get a view of life in camp with a tour of the bunks and training grounds.
  • The Commanding Officers of the training schools will share information on your son or ward’s training.
  • You will get to experience cook house meals.

Number of accompanying guests

The number of guests that can accompany your son or ward on enlistment day differs based on the service and unit that he has been assigned to. The details can be found in the invitation sent to you.

Dress code for guests

As there will be an oath-taking ceremony, all guests must come in smart casual attire. Singlets, bermuda shorts, shorts, slippers, and sandals are not allowed.

Enlistment day programme

Your son or ward’s basic training centre will depend on the uniformed service that he is enlisted with:

  • Singapore Armed Forces (SAF)

    : Basic Military Training Centre at Pulau Tekong or other SAF units

  • Singapore Civil Defence (SCDF)

    : National Service Training Centre at the Civil Defence Academy

  • Singapore Police Force (SPF)

    : Home Team Academy

This is the programme:

  • You will be led on a guided tour of the bunks, training schools and view some of the issued equipment, while your son or ward proceeds with registration and prepares for his oath-taking ceremony.
  • You will hear from the Commanding Officer about your son or ward’s basic training.
  • You will witness your son or ward taking the oath of allegiance.
  • You will have an opportunity to taste cook house food with your son or ward.
  • You will leave the basic training centre as your son or ward begins his NS journey.

If your son or ward is unwell on enlistment day

If your son or ward is unwell on his enlistment day, he will need to:

  • call the Central Manpower Base (CMPB) at 6373 3127 (this number is only in use on enlistment day).
  • email his medical certificate to by 12:00pm on the same day.
  • provide the reason for his medical leave.

You may also need to report to the Medical Classification Centre at CMPB, located at 5 Depot Road, for a medical review.

Visit the Central Manpower Base (CMPB) website for more information on enlistment day.

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